
I'm an Idealist

The four aspects that make up this personality type are:

Spontaneous, Ideas, Hearts and Introvert

Summary of Idealists

  • Make sense of the world using inner values
  • Focus on personal growth and the growth of others
  • Think of themselves as bright, forgiving and curious
  • May sometimes appear stubborn

More about Idealists

Idealists put time and energy into developing personal values that they use as a guide through life. They may seek fulfilment by helping others improve themselves and often want to make the world a better place. Idealists only share their inner values with people they respect.

Idealists are the most likely group to say they are vegetarian, according to a UK survey.
Idealists enjoy discussions about a wide range of topics, particularly those that deal with the future. They are typically easy-going and flexible, but if their values are challenged they may refuse to compromise.

In situations where they can’t use their talents or are unappreciated, Idealists may have trouble expressing themselves and withdraw. Under extreme stress, Idealists may become very critical of others, or lose confidence in their own ability to cope.
Recognition for their work is important to Idealists; however, they are also good at spotting false praise.

Idealist Careers

Idealists are often drawn to jobs where they can help people reach their potential. They are also attracted to careers that allow artistic creativity.

It's important to remember that no survey can predict personality type with 100 percent accuracy. Experts say that we should use personality type to better understand ourselves and others, but shouldn't feel restricted by our results.

Find out about yourself in BBC Science & Nature



Now I know, I am getting old - these days I mostly think only about my health. Well, there is a good-enough reason for that really, I had a tonsillectomy a few days ago. Yes, I had to look up that word. And there are many things you only hear from your friends and family about it, so I thought it better to write down my experience so that others could recoil in terror before this surgery - and be prepared.

My story began several years back, when I was 20 or something. This was the first time some doctor thought of looking into my throat and discovered some pus on my tonsils. I had to take some antibiotics and there was a procedure I had to go through every day on site. That time it got all well, only some holes remained. I didn't even think about it too much afterwards for years.

Last year about the same time I got gradually aware of my throat being always a bit sore. I didn't drink cold drinks, I drank a lot of tea with honey (and lemon if possible), held it always covered up with my clothes... I have always been very sensitive to cold, but even then I noticed, that this constant sore throat is affecting my clothing style, with all those high-necked jumpers. But as the soreness wasn't really critical I put off going to therapist all the time. I don't like to disrupt my normal everyday life and that is the main reason I won't go to doctors too easily. So spring came, weather was sunny and my throat got well. Not that well that I could eat icecream unlimited, constantly drink cold water etc, but well enough that it didn't bother me every day.

Came summer and fell fall. The first time I discovered my old throat soreness is back was after I read first bed-time story for my son after his holiday with my parents in the country. I thought, maybe that's what it was from all the time! I was more careful with these bedtime stories, sipping a bit of water, not singing too long, choosing shorter stories, letting my son read some of it himself... But it didn't help. I settled that it must be the cold and wet weather of estonian fall and winter after all - I settled for 9 months of sore throat.

Then sometime in October it got worse. The pain attacked my ears as well and looking into my throat I saw similar pus spots as at that earlier time. Only then did I come to terms with the inevitable - I visited a doctor for ear, nose and throat diseases. When I really went to the appointment, I had got the problem to mild down with home means (there wasn't any earlier appointment time free). So the doctor didn't think very seriously about the soreness and wrote just mild antibiotics and told to be back in a week, if it doesn't get better. I was sure it wouldn't and I was right.

While taking these pills my throat got actually worse and I was back after a week. Then the doctor really saw the worst of it and said that if we don't get it well, we'll have to cut the tonsils out. That time the pills were stronger and for a time I didn't have the sore throat anymore. I was even a bit hopeful, that this could be it, but then it came back again, worse than ever.

I got the appointment sooner as a repeating visit because there was so little time from my last visit. It was a new doctor (because the other one had gotten sick). She looked into my throat, looked into the case history and said we'll have to cut the tonsils out. Wrote me a transmittal letter and told to call for an appointment for operating doctor of ear, nose and throat diseases in another clinic (because at that clinic there wasn't one). That was it, she didn't even give me antibiotics to alleviate my pains at that moment! That was the hardest time to get over the main soreness, the pain in the ears... I even was doubtful if i should go to a concert at that time (I did and I am happy I did) because I had that big a ache in my throat and especially ears. I used too much Trachitol and somehow the pain got down to bearable again.

But the appointment to operating doctor wasn't available until 19th of February. Luckily I didn't have very bad episodes between the last visit to my own doctor and the one in the other hospital. It was just a soreness, that sometimes got a bit into my ears. Sometimes it manifested as an headache as well. In worse cases a warming lamp for my ears helped a lot. And keeping a diet of only warm foods and drinks as well.

Then the day came and I went to see the operating doctor. She had only one look at my throat and said, yes, these have to be cut out, is tomorrow okay? The shock! Tomorrow a surgery when I had been at home with my son for almost all of that year! When I had a ticket for a concert tomorrow night (disappointed in it, by the way)! When I had plans of going to a trip just some weeks later (11.-16.03 in London)! When I had just been blood donor a few days ago! When I had just bought a card for a month in a sports club! None of these were any real arguments, of course. They assured me that I would be well for the trip - and if I wanted that, that had to be soon to let me have the time to get well. And they were able to get me a time day after the tomorrow as well (that is 21 not 20), to let me go to the concert.

They explained, that it is very unusual to have the surgey so soon after the decision, but some of their patients had gotten sick and so they could put me in instead. They gave me a bunch of papers to read - about general anaesthesia, about all that I have to agree with, about my own physical condition, how should I act on the morning before the surgery and told to be there (ironically, the surgery took place in the same hospital where I went to see the first nose, ear, throat doctor, that wasn't operating herself) at 7:30. And they took some blood samples.

Now, I was truly shaken. Truly afraid. Why? My sister died in 1995 while in general anaesthesia on a non-lethal operation. I couldn't help but be afraid of having the same fate. Some thoughts that went through my mind:
  • When my sister died, it seemed absolutely impossible for her to be dead and me still alive. We were that close that it surprised me that I could exist without her (that's kind of superficial, I know, but I was only 15 at the time). At last, that injustice, that abnormal condition, will be cured. How right that I should die of the same thing.
  • Oh, what will Ragnar, my dear son do without me! He'll go mad!
  • Will my possessions be automatically inherited to my son or should I promptly do a final will and testament?
  • I should be happy, if these two days should be the last of my life! Always look on the bright side of death. You've come from nothing, you go back to nothing... What have you lost? Nothing! (Monthy Python, The Life Of Brian)
  • K. will be really hard pressed (what will become of my dear little UIT!), as will be E., because they have counted on me to come back to work. Well, these time estimations were overly big anyway, I can just work from home a bit, that shouldn't be so hard, just moving my fingers on a keyboard... (K. and E. being different project managers I work for, UIT being a program I love like my own son, which IS in every important way my own son)
  • Hmm, I've heard them say this is the perfect diet, maybe I could get in shape for spring after all despite the fact that I can't do any sports... But doesn't that mean, I'll be hungry most of the time? I wouldn't like that.
  • I've never been to any hospital before, that would be a first.
  • I should get some books somewhere to while away the time at the hospital (fortunately, I did get them even without particularly searching for them, thanks I.!)...
  • I have to write to the sports club and ask them nicely, maybe they would change the dates of my card - maybe they will take pity on me, it doesn't cost me anything to try...
  • ...

As you see, I had several quite scary thoughts, but most of them were rather trivial. Oh, I did cloak my fear into jokes and behind a happy facade. Seriously, many people hadn't probably seen me before as happy as I was at that day. I even filled the questionaires at work to have fun doing it - quoting questions, wondering about whether I should list chocolate as something I am addicted to, etc. But it was all a show...

I didn't write the last will and testament, I didn't really believe I would die. But I got more and more afraid of the surgery itself and the pain afterwards after each bit of information anybody gave me.

  • That there is hope I can eat something by 5th of March (what the hell? I thought it would only be a few days ..?)
  • That I should only sms from the hospital, because it would be hard to talk (what the hell, why didn't the doctor mention that I cannot speak..?)
  • That I shouldn't be ashamed of using painkillers (the doctors will prescribe me as much as needed, won't they..?)
  • That I wouldn't be able to eat anything but vanilla icecream (I love icecream, but it doesn't fill the stomach, oh why, oh why... I'll get bored by this soon I bet.)

Me myself, I couldn't help but read wikipedia about general anaesthesia, then I found out the condition my sister died from, Malignant Hyperthermia, on read that as well. That latter really made me fear. Some facts I couldn't help but send almost everybody:

  • This condition is inherited - thus when my sister had it, I stand a bigger than average chance to have it as well.
  • It cannot be pre-determined definitely, that a person has the condition. Additionally, this isn't always triggered the first time, or second. Person might have had several anaesthesias before and only then does the condition get triggered.
  • It can be triggered by all known anaesthesic drugs.
  • The symptoms usually develop during one hour, but it may take significantly longer.

I was determined to repeat the fact that my sister died of it over and over to everybody in the hospital. I was really jumpy, I even left the concert I went to before its end - I don't know if it wasn't really my kind of band or I was just too preoccupied, but I just couldn't connect. So I bought a 4,5L box of icecream (not for that evening but for eating afterwards) and some milk and went home. Got a nice massage bath, sent out the last of horrible facts about my sister's condition and how it makes my surgery more risky, found out the best route to the hospital (and what time should I go out), filled my bag, ordered EMT MSN Messenger into my mobile, slept well.

In the morning I got up OK 20 min before the departure, checked my mail for the last time and off I went. I couln't eat or drink before the surgery so the usual breakfast was skipped. And I didn't need any makeup in the hospital (though some time ago I read in some stupid women magazine, that hospitals are a good place to look for men, because bank director can be there just as easily as your common folk and you already have something to talk about, but I knew that wasn't for me). So there I was, 30min early. Sheckley "Status Society" went open right away and I read. I read all the time until I got changed into hospital clothes and was led into a room four floors up. There was two beds, a sad young girl (seventeen or something?) with biiig cotton tampon below her nose was curled up in the other bed. We didn't exchange even one word. I read.

It was a really interesting spot in the book when a medicinal sister came and asked a few questions. That was the first time I got the chance to point out my sister's death. She left. I read again.

Another interesting spot and another medicinal sister leading me with my bed to the surgery room. Before that she robbed me of all my valuables - to put into a safe of course. I was given a cap for my hair (though I had braided my hair beforehand, I don't do it usually) and then given over to another sister - with a mask, only overly painted eyes and some wrinkles showing through the slit between the cap and mask (she scared me although I could see she was smiling behind the mask). The operating room wasn't impressive at all. Rather usual room, just one bed in the center. Another Monthy Python moment - after I had been laid down on the operating table and made comfortable there, a sister in the room asked something like "Shouldn't we bring the machine here as well? You know the one I mean..." (The one that goes Ping! ?). But that wasn't true. A woman in her forties sat down and started asking questions about the anaesthesic questionnaire I had filled. It was kind of confusing moment. One medicinal sister doing something with my right and another with my left arm and she asking me questions. She asked about the incident with my sister, several questions (I remember being asked why was she having a surgery, where, what year was that, how old was she). Then she decided for a drug, said that to the sister at my left and ...

That's it. I woke up. It was that instantaneous I couldn't even start being afraid again, not one thought about how that could be it (reading before was a kind of defence mechanism. I wasn't really in that world where I would be having a surgery - where I could die - soon. I was in a book, but only an observer, I would be OK, I didn't have to be afraid).

Waking up my first problem was - I forgot to breathe! That's so silly, but it is true. I have always breathed, all my life. But I didn't remember I felt no need for it, I didn't remember how to do it. I was given oxygen mask and told to breathe. I concentrated on that one thing and somehow started doing it again. Oxygen smelled like fresh air. When I had got into the rhythm once again, they asked me if it was painful. That's the first time I thought about it and "Yes" I answered. They added something to the mix that was dripping into my vein, took away the oxygen mask saying something about how that dries up the throat and it isn't very good. At some time I was said I was on my own bed again. I was on my right side with cannula into my left arm. I was really sleepy. At that moment, when I was transported back to my room on my bed, I thought that I had promised to send sms to everybody if I didn't die (it's obvious my fears were void), but I was sooo sleeepy and I believe I slept at the time I reached back into my room.

When I opened my eyes, Status Society was soon open again. I believe somebody came to see that sad little girl and then I could ask my valuables back so that I could sms. Or MSN for that matter. I had promised to sms so I did, but after that I logged into MSN and spoke with several people. But it was really tiring at first, before I found the perfect pose - holding the phone with my left and typing with my more dexterous right. Surprisingly, my eyes didn't focus well after a few hours of reading and msning and so I slept again. And then woke up again and read, then slept again and ... At some time the floor sister came and gave the other girl food, but to me she gave only another bag to be dripped into my vein. I found it interesting, that I didn't feel any hunger. I know I was fed through the vein, but doesn't the maw want food whenever it is empty? Apparently not.

All that time I was wondering, that it isn't that painful at all, as I would have thought. The tube coming into my vein made finding a comfortable pose difficult, but It wasn't that difficult. I couldn't be on my back because then something in my throat would try to block my breathing, but on the side it was OK. The pain in the throat wasn't worse than the soreness before the operation. So when the medicinal sister came to give me my painkiller, I would have denied the need if she had but asked. She didn't.

That's how my day there went. Reading, sleeping, messaging - and then all over and over again. At some time the other girl had a visitor and then another. At some time she was said that if she wouldn't eat she would have to be fed directly into her vein. But for me the time was very peaceful. I finished the book by evening (and that is really slow reading for me, I finished the other Sheckley book that I. gave me on the day before without letting it even interrupt my regular day). I was disconnected from the dripping bag for the night. After finishing the book I went to sleep.

That's where I leave off tonight, I'll try to continue the story soon with the true revealations at home.


A test to while away time

You Are a Comma

You are open minded and extremely optimistic.

You enjoy almost all facets of life. You can find the good in almost anything.

You keep yourself busy with tons of friends, activities, and interests.

You find it hard to turn down an opportunity, even if you are pressed for time.

Your friends find you fascinating, charming, and easy to talk to.

(But with so many competing interests, you friends do feel like you hardly have time for them.)

You excel in: Inspiring people

You get along best with: The Question Mark

I don't think there are tons of friends, but I am busy alone as well, never able to choose, which of my hobbies to choos at any given moment... "You find it hard to turn down an opportunity ..." is absolutely right.

No more than one this time, though..



see: definitions of Odium, if you don't know the word.

Kurjus (original title in Swedish: Ondskan)
Jan Guillou
Translated into Estonian by Vladimir Beekman
the book in Wikipedia
the movie in Wikipedia

Last night around 3AM I finished a book, something Wikipedia says is the first book that a majority of people who in their teens first become interested in reading, choose to read. Those who saw me choosing it didn't mention it to be read by them so that might be true only in Sweden or something. I hadn't even known such book existed, not until on Valentine's Day we were donating blood and this was one of the books you could choose as your thank-you-gift. This was the book I chose. Mostly because of its stylish black-and-red cover on this Estonian issue, it reminded of an painting I lately saw in Kumu.

And now I am absolutely happy that I have read it, horrifying as it is. Don't let yourself be scared off by the fact, that teenagers allegedly are the ones to read it - it is serious reading for grownups, too.

I would like to tell something what I didn't see on those Wikipedia pages. Erik, the main character in this book, is exceptionally intelligent and not at all the thoughtless bully, that would just use his musculature to get what he wants, as might seem by the descriptions. He is very good at reading and using body language, psychology and precise hits to make the actual fight as short as possible. He plans everything precisely from how to make the other fear - to make it worse for them -, how to invite him to use one or other blow - to turn the fight the way he wants it to go. Even sometimes letting himself be beaten to shame the real bully by not defending himself. What is also exceptional (and hard to believe, really) is how he is able to put up with that much pain. But as this book is autobiographical (as I thought it to be when reading - but I thought the author's alter ego would be Pierre, smart kid and friend of Erik, who in the book also mentions that he wants to become a writer), it might be true. I am not that much of a expert on pain, luckily1 :)

Other thing notable are his altruistic motives in both schools.
In the first school, where he is the head of the bully gang, they are providing services and the beatings are just to make debtors pay (and others be afraid of not paying) - and they know beforehand, that these will come when they do not pay for the services2. They don't do it for the fun of it. He is organizer, the brains behind making the world a better place (by his standards, of course). For example - he makes life hell for the teachers, who resort to physical punishments, but doesn't let anyone disturb the lessons of the good teachers. He always stands up for his friends (who betray him afterwards) even when that means getting beaten himself.

In the second school, where he is just another lower-class student, and a new and "uppish" one at that, he doesn't act up to protect only himself (and his nerdy roommate) from regular sanctioned beatings (though it starts out that way) - he wants to do something to change this absurdly violent law of the school, where grownups always watch the other way and children are regularly sent to hospital in close-by town because "they have fallen from some stairs". He wants away from the violence, but the book shows that sometimes nonviolent means are not possible to end it. That is, when law is on the side of the violence (and schools act under their own law not the law of the country).

Anyway, not much to add - everyone should read it, starting from children really that age (12(?)-16) to (would-be) parents to people working with children. I am trying to hide myself behind the belief that in contemporary schools things cannot be like that (any more) - neither one of those ways that is pictured in that book. That is something similar to what I had to repeat to myself after watching the movie Klass as well - things are not as bad in real life. Now I'd like to see the Oscar-nominated movie as well. In this book the things were explained very well from the point of view of Erik, but I'd like to see it in action. It must be good.

Somehow movies and books about violence towards kids and between them happen to slip to my path these days. And they frighten me, I grow afraid for my son, that lovely, naive and good-hearted boy... He will definitely keep on going to his judo classes, if I can do anything about it!

1 Though I avoid crying because of the pain as well. Come to think of it, it isn't that hard on those rare occasions it has happened to me - for example I go to play volleyball each Monday with colleagues and there have been some tough hits for me. I might have "leaked water from my eyes", but I haven't cried out. And it was hard for me to force myself to cry out when I was birthing my son - though the pain, when something ripped because I was pushing so hard, was the biggest I've felt my whole life... And I haven't had such hate as he had to help me.

2 Oh I am not saying that it is OK to beat other children (or grownups as in mafia) if they owe you, but in that world he is in, it is accepted. In the manner he has been brought up, beating is the only applicable punishment, and it is given for even the slightest of mistakes, it is a daily endurance test. He sees and uses other means as much as possible, but in that world the violence is unavoidable. In some places it is even hinted, that it is because of World War II, the echoes created by that war. How people believe in physical punishments and beat their kids; how even schools use physical punishments (which is quite unthinkable these days).



On the occasion of yearly Valentine's Day I thought I'd write a bit about how I feel about love. I love it. That's it!

Well, there was more to say about it. First thing being that there is so much meaning connected to that word that ordinarily you don't express it very often. Well, maybe to your husband1, if you have one. But the love for your husband is only one kind of love and you don't express those others nearly as often as that. I can sincerely say that I love many people, none of them a marriage prospect. But I (almost) never tell them how I love them. In the fear of leaving the wrong impression, primarily. I am always afraid, I'll blow glowing the embers of hope just to crush them again...

I also say that love in marriage is an extreme not a rule (not that there shouldn't be love in marriage, there has to be, but that the love, as it is felt, is in its one extreme in conditionalness).

For example, I really and truly love my son. It is overwhelming and unconditional. I might send harsh words towards him, punish him, quarrel with him, not really get along with him, but I always love him with no limits. I believe this is the only really onconditional love - this love between mother2 and child. I love him, whatever he does and whatever he wants to be; however incompatible3 our wishes or personalities are.

But love between lovers is always conditional. He is just one of those you can choose from. There is always a "because" to this love.

the way he smiles,
the way he shies,
the way he cries,
the way he lies...
liriel, just now

Husband is someone carefully chosen - because of his personality, charisma, your compatibility... Maybe in the old days when your parents were the ones to choose, you could find women unconditionally loving their husbands (they might as well have hated them or just accepted them), but that is probably gone now, hopefully forever. Contemporary woman chooses or lets herself be chosen (which is just giving away the initative, but choosing all the same).

Well, there is love at first sight (love because of appearances?), but even then the partner is easily dumped and forgotten if you find out that he is not what you imagined him to be. That can be considered choosing as well, pretty dumb when unemotionally analysed, but with high risk there might be high gain.

I am not absolutely saying, that you shouldn't choose at all, just take whatever's available. You should and you must choose if ever there are many fish in the seas. This choosing is really, what makes your husband special - you must know that there is nobody better out there that you could buy with your personality. And when he is the best then it is not hard to really and truly love him.

I am just trying to prove that love in marriage is the other extreme of love's conditionalness. On the one end there is love for your child and on the other love for your husband. In between your love for your children, which is quite unconditional however it appears to children themselves, and love-in-marriage, which always has the condition, there are love for friends, colleagues, neighbours... You choose your friends (knowingly or not) by several characteristics (for example by how much fun it is to be together or the count of common interests), but you can forgive them many things you would never forgive your husband. You cannot (not mostly anyway) choose your colleagues or neighbours and it is mandatory to forgive some traits in them to keep on working together towards common goal. Of course, in any relationship you have to look out for your own interests as well...

A question I get asked sometimes: Could you love husband as much as your son? Of vital importance to anyone interested in marriage and children. I'd say, as many before me, that you cannot compare the taste of strawberry to the taste of lasagne. You may say - this is sweet and that is salty, but you cannot compare, which taste you like better. Though they are both tastes. The same goes for children and men - the love is too different to compare. Having one doesn't make you want less of the other. And this, now, has nothing to do with how conditional the love is.

Reading all of this I might seem to be harsh on love-in-marriage, but bitter is the better word...

1 I am in this post always referring to husband or him when these things really might apply to other combinations of he's and she's. I am doing this to keep this sexist nonsense that you should always reveal the difference between woman and man, out of my post and keep my mind on the real issue. And I have chosen the male because that is what I know, that is where I see from - that's from the position of woman loving man. Or rather, from the memory of that.
And I accept that there are many different kinds of relationships between lovers, but I use the word "marriage" and "husband" to show which kind of love is it I am talking about in that particular case.

2 Some fathers have told me, they feel the same way about their children, but nobody knows for sure, if it is really the same...

3 And our personalities are really incompatible. I love to do things alone - small things with my hands, big things with my mind. He loves to socialize and actively interact, almost never doing anything just by himself. And when I want to be alone with my thoughts and handicraft, and he wants to talk or play with me, wealready have a basis for a quarrel.


Testmania continues

What to do, if you need a break? Go through more tests :)

You Are a Strawberry

You are friendly, outgoing, and well liked by many people.
You are popular, but there's nothing you ordinary or average about you.

You a very interesting person, and you have many facets to your personality.
Sometimes you feel very conflicted. Your different sides of your personality pull at you.

You are a very sensual and passionate person. You are fiery... you can't help it.
In general, you keep your passionate side under wraps. You are only wild in private.

Hmm, strawberry icecream, strawberry - the tests make me seem like a strawberry person... Really, I am not. I eat them, ocasionally I like them, but I don't buy them.

You Are Very Sexy

Damn! You are one hot number. You have a lot of sex appeal.
You know you're sexy, and you're not afraid to put it all out there.

And while you're very appealing, you're careful not to be trashy or over the top.
Sexy is all about attitude. And you totally have the attitude that people love.

How You Are Sexy

You are open to all sorts of experiences, and you have a taste for the exotic. Your adventurous spirit is very sexy.

You keep your body fit and healthy, and that's hot. Plus, sweating is also sexy!

You feel gorgeous, and you always try to look your best. You make the best of what you've got. Totally sexy!

You are secure in social situations, and you definitely have a confident vibe. And that's very sexy.

That's unexpected - I am sexy in the inside?

You Are a Total Brainiac

You're amazingly brilliant. Some would even say genius.
You're curious, thoughtful, analytical, and confident.

You take on difficult subjects because you want to... not because you have to.
No field of knowledge is too complicated or intimidating for you.

You've got the brains to do anything you want.
It's possible you end up doing everything you want.

That's what I hoped for - though I know I have a long way to go yet...

You Should Be an Artist

You are incredibly creative, spontaneous, and unique.
No one can guess what you're going to do next, but it's usually something amazing.
You can't deal with routine, rules, or structure. You're easily bored.
As long as you are able to innovate and break the rules, you are extremely successful.

You do best when you:

- Can work by yourself
- Can express your personality in your work

You would also be a good journalist or actor.

Another career-change..? Actually, I am painting pictures and do stuff when I feel like it, but generally I believe being an artists shouldn't be primary proffession for me, only a hobby.

You Are a Werewolf

You're unpredictable, moody, and downright freaky.
You seem sweet and harmless, until you snap. Then you're a total monster.
Very few people can predict if you're going to be Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde.
But for you, all your transformations seem perfectly natural.

Your greatest power: Your ability to tap into nature

Your greatest weakness: Lack of self control

You play well with: Vampires

Just for the fun of it :D But roaming the forests at nights and going through life normally at other times, that's a perfect way to be monstrous :) I remember reading a novel about a girl, who discovered herself to be werewolf, unfortunately I don't remember how it ended... Some aspects of the novel were really memorable and enviable, though.

You Should Play the Accordion

You are eccentric, funky, wacky... definitely one of a kind.
People have trouble putting you in any one particular category. You definitely have your own thing going on.

You are a born entertainer. No wonder you'd be perfect as an one man (or one woman) band.
Your musical influences likely cross all genres - and blend together in a very unusual way.

While you are definitely offbeat, you also enjoy tradition and influences from the past.
It's just your style to take an old fashioned instrument like the accordion and make it uniquely yours.

Your dominant personality characteristic: your total inhibition

Your secondary personality characteristic: your interest in obscure activities and subjects

No, thanks, no accordion for me! Well, maybe because it instantly connects with lame folk songs, or rather, drinking songs (I hate VLÜ or Seelikukütid!)... If you really think about it, though, accordion might work as a base for something unique and interesting... But I believe I would never learn to play any instrument, what with ears of dancefloor for elephants. But I plan on posting one about music and all it is and should be and like here...

You Are 80% Good

You are a good person. You do the best you can to be ethical, fair, and moral.
And as you know, being a good person means making hard decisions... and following them through.
If you're confronted with an ethical dilemma, you will usually do the right thing.
Of course you do slip up. No one's perfect. But you do your best to correct your missteps.

You are also probably: incredibly honest, especially with yourself

Right now you are on track to being: A respected leader

To be a better person: Be kind to someone who is not very kind to you

Ohh, I am tooo good, I know it, please, try not to take advantage of me!

You Are a Green Crayon

Your world is colored in harmonious, peaceful, natural colors.
While some may associate green with money, you are one of the least materialistic people around.
Comfort is important to you. You like to feel as relaxed as possible - and you try to make others feel at ease.
You're very happy with who you are, and it certainly shows!

Your color wheel opposite is red. Every time you feel grounded, a red person does their best to shake you.

Another unexpected :) I like other colors more, though personality type is a match...

So much for now again :)


I seem to be an exception when it comes to music (or is it common and I haven't noticed?). I really can enjoy practically every kind of music, I don't choose the style even loosely. I have tried to rationalize and find a common element in all the bands I love, but I have failed this far. This might be because I am not so much an expert on music, but may be there really is no common element.

What I have found out, is that the music I really like changes my mood or at least expands and intensifies it. I have found inspiration in music as well as enjoyment. But that is it. I might jump wildly to some stupid folk song, I might dream to some ambient or nu-jazz, I might dance and sing to simple pop and bang my head to hard metal - and love them all1. Somehow it makes no difference in the level of enjoyment, only the way I am enjoying it. Sometimes I even feel like I am impersonating the kind of person who listens this kind of music, when listening and actively enjoying some music. Some styles are not as accepted as some others though and this sometimes makes it even harder for me to enjoy them fully in public, but that is something I really want to get out of my behavior2.

What made me think about it, really, was our company's New Year party, where there was a DJ playing old popular Estonian tunes, "old" as "from my childhood and older", just like radio Elmar might play. It was really refreshing in a nostalgic way to hear them again, sing along to them (not dance this time, and I am sorry for that), just remember them. They are sometimes really hilarious and go well with the party spirit. Some way every time you have enjoyed them in some party is remembered and stacked at the time you hear them, and this makes you enjoy them even more.

But I was embarrassed of the joy and didn't join in (most of the time). There were others. And then there was a really exceptional person, who said he hasn't hear them all his childhood, he feels no nostalgia and this kind of music leaves him indifferent (it angered or at least annoyed others not openly enjoying it). At the time I said, "Lucky you!", but the moment I said it I felt it was a false statement.

To explain why, I have to tell about something else. For a time I had felt bad about my child liking Elmar, singing its songs and even its own commercial too often. I could understand him loving those songs - at least he understands what they talk about; they are simple, catchy tunes and lyrics. And I couldn't do anything, because he will hear them anyway every time he goes to my parents' house (and that is often). And I myself like to be in silence (eg without background noise like radio or TV) when at home and doing something with him, and when we are not in action, there is mostly some other background (TV or computer) not my kind of music. And when I have tried to let him listen to my favorites, he always pleads to turn the music off. So I settled to the fact that I started from hearing such music as well and didn't turn out quite so bad (or did I?).

But hearing my colleague announcing his indifference to those songs, I felt sorry for all the fun he is missing. And at the same time was really glad about the future my son will have. In some way it has to be part of the childhood, to hear those simple and catchy tunes, to sing along in the parties - to be able to continue easily connecting with other such people in common parties in adulthood. Oh, it might not be a requirement, but it's fun, more fun than not having the memory from early on.

Well, there is a question still. Maybe I am not able to settle to any one kind of music for just the same thing - I cannot differentiate between the good and the bad. Yet I feel to be more lucky than not to have this ability to enjoy every kind of music, empathize with it. Though it does make it really hard for me to find all the bands that I like, or even that one band, that one album, I should put on right now to make me feel just so... Harder still because I am not any expert in music, have musical ineptness and I am not planning to change this3.

1 There are many styles not listed here, but I believe I could enjoy them as well. I have knowingly made an exception to rap/hip-hop, because I don't like their attitude towards life, each-other and especially women. And there are some styles I seem to be unable to connect with, but I haven't discovered many of them so far.

2 Well, I want to get over of many dishonest and antisocial behaviors, more of them in some other post. But in a word, I am too shy in public to live up to some of my ideals - that is be honest and straightforward. I sometimes can be - and shock others that see it - but mostly I am not.

3 One cannot go in depth in every field, there has to be a choice - knowing choice - and that means, that some interests have to go unexplored. But more of that in some other post.



Someone I know frequently posts test results on his blog. I'll follow :)

The Political Compass

Economic Left/Right: -6.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.56

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.

In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.

You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was insecure and in constant need of reassurance.

Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage something you've always wanted... though you haven't really thought about it.

In this moment, you think of love as something you can get or discard anytime. You're feeling self centered.

Your Brain's Pattern

Your mind is a creative hotbed of artistic talent.
You're always making pictures in your mind, especially when you're bored.
You are easily inspired to think colorful, interesting thoughts.
And although it may be hard to express these thoughts, it won't always be.

Your Love Type: INTP

The Thinker

In love, you are honest and serious about commitment.
For you, sex is something you think about and desire a lot of the time.

Overall, you are pure in your affection and feelings.
However, you tend to be suspicious and distrusting at times.

Best matches: ENTJ and ESTJ

You Are a Good Girl!

You're into fun - but it has to be your own brand of fun
Drinking? No thanks. You rather spend your time differently...
Whether it's talking with friends, taking up a hobby, or reading
You're not the type to socialize just for socializing's sake!

You Are Cheesecake

Rich, sweet, and simply perfect.
You're not boring - you're just the best!

I just looove cheese-cakes, they got that right :)

You Are 60% Feminine, 40% Masculine

You are in touch with both your feminine and masculine sides.
You're sensitive at the right times, but you don't let your emotions overwhelm you.
You're not a eunuch, just the best of both genders.

You Are A Strawberry Ice Cream Girl

Sweet. Romanic. Genuine.

Hmm, really, I prefer plain vanilla with tiniest bits of chocolate... Strawberry tends to be a bit tooo sweet.

You Have Many Alpha Tendencies

You're not a total alpha female, but you certainly know how to - and like to - get your way.
You're forceful without being intimidating. You're confident without being vain. A perfect mix.

Your Ideal Pet is a Cat

You're both aloof, introverted, and moody.
And your friends secretly wish that you were declawed!

And a cat I will have... Some day, when I get down to it. And I want the cat to be absolutely black and smooth...

You Are Cyclops

Dedicated and responsible, you will always remain loyal to your cause.
You are a commanding leader - after all, you can kill someone just by looking at them.

Power: force beams from your eyes

Some men have said complements about my eyes, yet I know of nobody, I've killed just by sight, not even figuratively speaking :D

Your Hidden Talent

Your natural talent is interpersonal relations and dealing with people.
You communicate well and are able to bring disparate groups together.
Your calming presence helps everything go more smoothly.
People crave your praise and complements.

There must be something wrong with this test - I an absolutely awful at interpersonal relationships, I'd rather be alone than with somebody else most of the time!

You're an Expert Kisser

You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity
You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off
And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave
When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable

Who would've thought..? I definately enjoy them, but who wouldn't?

Men See You As Choosy

Men notice you light years before you notice them
You take a selective approach to dating, and you can afford to be picky
You aren't looking for a quick flirt - but a memorable encounter
It may take men a while to ask you out, but it's worth the wait

Choosy I am, life has made me so... And it has been long since anyone has asked me out and I have agreed...

Your Dominant Thinking Style: Modifying

Super logical and rational, you consider every fact available to you.
You don't make rash decisions and are rarely moved by emotion.

You prefer what's known and proven - to the new and untested.
You tend to ground those around you and add stability.

Sometimes, that's true. But sometimes I am creative, impulsive and emotional... Which is truer then?

Your Inner Eye Color Is Blue

You've got the personality of a blue eyed women
You're intense and expressive - and always on the go
You've also got a sweet, playful side - which draws men in

... as is my "outside" eye color :)

Your True Sign Is Sagittarius



Easily Bored


World Traveler

Spontaneous and Wild

Carefree and Irresponsible

Blunt to the Point of Tactless

Now you know, I am not Gemini after all :)

Your Inner Color is Purple

Your Personality: You're a dreamer and visionary. You believe you were put on this earth to do something great.

You in Love: You're very passionate but often too busy for love. You need a partner who sees your vision and adopts it as their own.

Your Career: You need a job that helps you make a difference. You have a bright future as a guru, politician, teacher, or musician.

Hmm, career change needed..?

And when purple, then which :D
Dark Purple

To others, you seem a bit dark, mysterious, and moody.
In truth, you are just a very unique person who doesn't care what others think.
And you really enjoy your offbeat interests and friends.
You've decided that life is about living for yourself - simple as that.

Dark! True!

Your Personality is Very Rare (INTP)

Your personality type is goofy, imaginative, relaxed, and brilliant.

Only about 4% of all people have your personality, including 2% of all women and 6% of all men
You are Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Perceiving.

Interesting, does the test ever say - You are a commoner ..?

You Are a Seeker Soul

You are on a quest for knowledge and life challenges.
You love to be curious and ask a ton of questions.
Since you know so much, you make for an interesting conversationalist.
Mentally alert, you can outwit almost anyone (and have fun doing it!).

Very introspective, you can be silently critical of others.
And your quiet nature makes it difficult for people to get to know you.
You see yourself as a philosopher, and you take everything philosophically.
Your main talent is expressing and communicating ideas.

Souls you are most compatible with: Hunter Soul and Visionary Soul

That much for today, maybe more on some other day :)


Writing vs social situations

I love writing. More than speaking, more than socializing, more than messaging, calling, conversing, arguing ... more than anything. I am that egocentric. I always find something to write about, just as there is always something to think about. What I want, my little life, my hopes, dreams, happenings... What I did, what I should have done, what I yet should do, what is right or wrong or in the middle, every side of every story, endless babbling... And I find it extremely hard to stop. When I am writing I go with the flow, that special feeling of concentration, where nearly nothing disturbs you. You can go on and on and enjoy it and think of nothing else.

Sometimes I get lost in the details, so much so, that I forget, what it was I wanted to write about. For example, just this week, I tried to write a short letter to a friend of mine, to say how sorry I am that I haven't wrote while I was at home with my hardly sick son and explain why and tell him I didn't find some books he recommended. I did so in an e-mail, but I believe that its printout might have been somewhere around two times A4.

I probably scare people I write with never to write with me just by the enormous size of my letters. Some special people still do - thank you for that! But there is more than one sad thing about writing such long letters. Oh, everybody says at first, that they love long letters - and it is very exciting to get a letter where there is more than a few lines, but it doesn't stay exciting. For one thing, if they themselves don't like writing that much, then it will be hard for them to come up with as long and as dense a letter. And if they don't, they feel they are somewhat less than the one writing so long letters (that's my theory only, I am not really someone in the position to say too much about it) and when you feel bad, then you won't write. The other thing is, people are always in a hurry, me as much as anybody. Oh, I'd love to write, I'd love to fill this blog and everybody's inbox and all the bookcases with my writings, yet I rarely have the time. I rarely have the time to answer letters as well. More so because I know, that when I start, I can't stop and it takes time. And time - that precious time! - if only we had more of it for usage every day. There are powerful contenders for my time (dear child, work, friends, reading, etc) and so the writing is something that is easily put aside. It's so easy to think "I'll do it some other time", but you never find the other time... Well, going back to the writing - when I have time for writing rarely, I answer mail infrequently, people have taken offense and forgotten me before they get my answer. Sometimes, when I see, that too much time has passed, I even do not write back, believing these things to be true without confirming.

And funny thing is, that constantly babbling person never gets out in the public. The quietness rises exponentially with every added person in hearing distance - meaning alone I am the most sociable, talkative and active. Eye-to-eye I might find rapport and it seems rather like a conversation. Threesome, it gets already tricky, if everybody aren't good friends of mine (and even then I am the quiet one). Bigger group and you hardly ever hear my voice.

In social situations I am rather egocentric in another way. That is, I listen as long as anybody talks and rarely open my mouth when not addressed directly. On rare occasions I find a way to further the conversation - or more interesting cases, the argument - by adding a small remark when people find nothing to say. And then I can go on listening. It is untypical to think of quiet people in public as egocentric, but I am. I don't need to put myself out there to torn to pieces by any number of critical remarks, I rather further my knowledge and understanding by carefully and attentively listening and learning everything possible. Then I can really feel good about myself, believing that only I know the truth, only I of them all understand both sides of the problem... And it never occurs to me to tell about it.

Anyway, people who know me only in public might be very surprised to get my e-mails. Or read my blog, if anyone ever thinks of it. A nobody becomes somebody. Somebody with surprisingly complex past, unusual thoughts and dreams. Somebody surprisingly self-confident and happy about herself. But there are some that know me both ways. Some who have long conversations with me in one of the more popular messengers and then see me in the hallway and just say "Hi!", if even that. They must be really confused about me, but that's exactly who I am, they have got the most real picture of me. That is who I am, full of contradictions, multiple-sided and too complex to understand. Yet just as simple as everybody else. Just another real person.